Call me crazy, but... I, currently 30 weeks & 4 days pregnant, have agreed (along with my husband) to take our little man to Disney World in just 2 weeks
- at over 8 months pregnant!

It might seem a little nuts, but our friends have been begging us for 4 months to go with them. They go all the time and love it!

I have been to Disney 3 times in my life and hated all 3 times, or at least as much as I can remember about them; which, honestly, isn't much at all. And hubby, who is 11 years older than me, remembers even less.

We assumed that we would just take him later on when the baby was about 7 months and just enjoy it altogether, but after talking to people who have been with a baby before and those who's children are growing up with the experience of Disney as an only child (at least thus far) we realized that it's a memory that's special for each child. Noah is already six and his window to experience the "magic" is kinda running out. Since we don't celebrate things like Christmas and he doesn't believe in Santa, we at least want him to run up a Buzz Lightyear character and still feel like he's REALLY seeing Buzz from Toy Story. Not that I assume my kid is dumb... Just that he's still a bit gullible; and I like it that way.

We schemed with his best friend's, Davis, parents and in just the past 2 days have decided, booked, and payed for a 5 day vacation to Disney in January. Reading this post of helpful hints really convinced me that it's possible to enjoy Disney even a little bit swollen and a little bit exhausted haha
Below, is a video of us breaking the news to them this afternoon.

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